New Year 2023 - New Hope, New Desire, New Expectation

Tuesday, January 03, 2023

First year without both my parents. It is not easy to pass the days of advent without them. I was sobbing to sleep on Christmas eve. Then I was too busy to move around during the count down of the New Year that it was less gloomy and saddened.

I've been asked to do my spiritual journal since the day I started RCIA last October. Journal about my spiritual journey, my communication with God, incidents. I didn't get to do it on a daily basis. I did not do the journaling as I'm told to do. I would look at the book and ponder what is there to write. What is there to communicate? There was a gap in between class, St Francis Asisi feast if I'm not mistaken. Going back to class after that, I was dragging it, I am very reluctant to go for class not to mention for class after mass. I had a vision of Jesus with his open arms. I thought I was just dreaming. Then during the homily, 30th October. Speaking of Zacchaeus, one of the slides shown was the picture of Jesus with his open arms. What a coincidence! 

A month after I started my class, I was down with Covid. I'm stuck at home for 2 weeks. That is when I'm asked to do more communication with Him. Instead of communicating, I got frustrated and angry at Him. For He took both my parents away from me and I'm left striving alone in the house! What more is there communicate? I literary closed all doors towards Him. 

It took alot of persuasion to get me to attend mass again after my covid. The very day I'm back to church after my covid is the day where I'm to go through the acceptance ceremony. After the mass and the get-together in the room and talking to my Sponsor - Vivien Choe; I feel calm and good. 

Leading up to Christmas and New Year. I attended mass on Christmas day and New Year day.

Sponsor gave me the Daily Bible on the day of my acceptance. Now I'm putting a habit to reading it daily, before going to sleep. If during the day I had the time, I would read from the Universalis and the Catholic Daily Reflection for more understanding of the daily reading.

Sometimes, in the reading during mass or the homily are very much personal to me. It is sometimes the way I'm feeling that week or the situation I'm facing at that time. During mass, these will be mentioned.

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