Shell and heart. It is a heartbreak

Wednesday, March 20, 2019
You got the person you wanted, but you know the person's is not 100% with you, would you want to move on in a relationship like this? Would you let the person you're holding on go finding the happiness you wish for them? You're only getting the shell of the person you love. It is devastating and disappointing to the core that whatever you do are unable to get the heart of the person you are holding on. It takes more than the shell of the person to be in a relationship.

Love is a very complicated experience. It takes strength, understanding, bravery and a whole of work to make it work. It will either work or break. The vulnerability of the heart is not easy to understand. You will feel you're being used, being fooled, being toyed and being dump like rubbish. There is never intention of anything of that to happen. You are not prepared for anything like that even you know how fragile the heart is.

You accepted fate that you're in love with that person anymore. But you know you will longed and missed that person deep down no matter how long it will take to heal or to forget that person you once loved, you once spend most your time with, the one that occupies most of your waking time and you mind.

歡子 - 得到你的人却得不到你的心
Huan zi - De dao ni de ren que de bu dao ni de xin

nǐ mírén de yǎnshén fúlǔ le wǒ de xīn
wǒ xiǎng méiyǒu shénme dōngxi bǐ zhè gèng zhìmìng
wǒ nǔlì xiǎng jiéshù zhè duàn míshī de gǎnqíng
kě wǒ fāxiàn méiyǒu yǒngqì hé nǐ shuō zàijiàn
nán dào zhùdìng àishang nǐ zuìhòu shāng de shì zìjǐ
nándào zhùdìng zhè yīqiè jiāngshì huíyì
nǐ de xīn bù shǔyú wǒ wèihé hé wǒ zài yīqǐ
shìbushì yīnwèi jìmò hé kōngxū

rúguǒ wǒ dédào nǐ de rén què débudào nǐ de xīn
jiùsuàn dédào quánshìjiè yě bù kāixīn
wǒ xiǎng wèn yī wèn nǐ néngfǒu ài wǒ yī cì
yíhàn wǒ bìng bù shì nǐ wéiyī
rúguǒ wǒ shīqù zhè yīqiè néng huànlái nǐ de zhēnxīn
jiùsuàn shīqù quánshìjiè yě bù shāngxīn
wǒ yǐwéi rén yīqǐ xīn jiù huì zài yīqǐ
kělián wǒ hái yīzhí wèi nǐ zhōngqíng

Repeat *

Repeat **

Repeat **

wǒ yǐwéi rén yīqǐ xīn jiù huì zài yīqǐ
kělián wǒ hái yīzhí wèi nǐ zhōngqíng


Your charming look capture my heart
I think there is nothing more deadly than this
I try hard to end this feeling of lost
But I can’t find the courage to say goodbye to you
Is destined to love you finally injure myself
Is all this destined to be recalled
Your heart does not belong to me why get together with me
Is it because of loneliness and emptiness

If I get your person but do not get your heart
Even if I get the whole world, don’t feel happy too
I would like to ask you can you love me once
Unfortunately I am not your only
If I lose it all to exchange with your sincerity
Even if I lose the whole world, don’t feel sad too
I think people together then the heart can be together
Pity me I am still loving you

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